

Software Development Engineer


Jul 2021 – Present San Jose, CA, US
Let’s create experiences that matter

Volunteer Research Assistant

Information Sciences Institute

Aug 2020 – May 2021 Los Angeles, CA, US
Social Networks & Applied Machine Learning

UI Software Engineering Intern


May 2020 – Aug 2020 Los Angeles, CA, US (work from home due to COVID-19)
Developed the aep-health-and-insights app

Campus Ambassador


May 2020 – Sep 2020 Los Angeles, CA, US
A bridge between Tencent and campus peers

Web Development Intern


Apr 2019 – Jun 2019 Hangzhou, China
Developed the User Data Analysis Platform from scratch

Visiting Student

University of British Columbia

Jul 2018 – Aug 2018 Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver’s summer is beautiful

Part-time Research Assistant

Key State Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejing University

Apr 2018 – Jul 2018 Hangzhou, China
Worked on SPH-based Fluid Simulation


Studied the anti-vaccine narratives on Twitter, released a dataset and published a paper.

It’s the 3rd assignment of my NLP class – building a simple BLSTM for POS tagging by Pytorch.

Book Management System written in C++ & Qt.

A toy compiler.

Concentration game (from Stanford’s iOS Course – CS193P, Fall 2017-18)

A simple dialog system driven by reinforcement learning.

A 3D renderer.

Visualized the file dependency of lodash for fun.

Implemented a neural network to classify MNIST handwritten digits from scratch.

Solving 3D maze by 3 searching algorithms - BFS, UCS, and A*.

Course project of Zhejiang University’s Computer Organization & Computer Architecture courses.

An android app that monitors the state of phone’s battery.

A 3D game engine, originally developed by Artem Kovalovs at Naughty Dog.

A first person shooting game made with Unity engine.

A simple Snake game written in C++ & OpenGL.

Implemented a Naive Bayes Classifier and a Perceptron to filter spams.

Implementation of Jos Stams SIGGRAPH paper Stable Fluids.

Stock search app hosted in AWS Elastic Beanstalk and built using Flask.

An iOS app for searching & trading stocks.

Stock search app hosted in AWS Elastic Beanstalk and built using Express.js and Angular.

Course project of Stanford CS 144 – a simplified TCP protocol (officially named “Sponge”).

Multi-threading - token bucket emulation in C.

I built this during my internship at GraphicChina(Tuhua) Co. Ltd.

Brown University’s Weenix Kernel – a minimalist Linux-like kernel.

A website for learning English words.

A 5x5 Go AI based on Monte Carlo Tree Search.

A simple-but-no-simpler relational database.

A linux shell written in pure C.

tic-tac-toe AI based on Minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.